IADLEST Partner Advisory Committee


The IADLEST Partner Advisory Committee (IPAC) is currently comprised of fifteen organizations that provide services to Law Enforcement and Corrections Officers and their organizations. Members of the IPAC will help ensure that training and standards meet the needs of the Public Safety industry, will help to promote the adoption of best practices, and will provide IADLEST with perspectives and recommendations regarding selected IADLEST projects and initiatives.  The IPAC will also offer support and recommendations for assisting IADLEST with attaining its annual funding objectives to ensure the viability and continuity of IADLEST for the benefit of the public safety community.


The IPAC Mission:


The IADLEST Partner Advisory Committee (IPAC) supports the IADLEST mission by providing research and proven best practices for high quality training and education. IPAC seeks to advance the Public Safety profession with a vision of outcomes-based police training and standards. 


IPAC Business Code of Conduct:


IPAC Partners shall protect IADLEST's interests by adhering to the highest of ethical standards in the conduct of their duties including mutual respect for confidentiality, intellectual property, and proprietary information. 


The IPAC Serves as a:


  • Technical advisory panel comprised of subject matter experts (SMEs);

  • Platform to engage partners, and an opportunity for collaboration;

  • Sounding and advisory board for IADLEST’s current and emerging programs;

  • Think tank – to assist IADLEST with its mission and strategic plan;

  • Resource for law enforcement; and

  • Forum to discuss partner (vendor) issues of interest.



The “Win-Win” for both IADLEST and the IPAC: The IPAC partners have the opportunity to:


  • Provide the IADLEST Executive Committee with direct advice, guidance, recommendations, and technical assistance.

  • Benefit from increased awareness and name recognition of its organization, such as the:

    • Announcement of IPAC membership to the IADLEST general membership;

    • Placement of the IPAC partners’ logo and link to the partners’ website, placed on the IADLEST website;

    • Promotion of IPAC partners’ programs; and

    • Provision of two opportunities for IPAC partners to send a dedicated e-blast to IADLEST membership (by and through IADLEST) that announces offerings by the IPAC member or information of unique interest or importance to IADLEST membership. E-blasts would be submitted to IADLEST for forwarding to the membership and would not come directly from the IPAC member. Content of the e-blast is subject to review and approval of IADLEST.

  • Expand exposure with POSTS and Academy Directors;

  • Play a key role in recommendations for products and services;

  • Play a significant role in the transformation of an industry and profession; and

  • Receive priority opportunities to host events at the IADLEST Conferences (i.e. sponsoring a reception or luncheon) with an opportunity to address the attendees.


 IPAC Membership, Commitment & Expectations:


In representing its organization, the IPAC member should serve at the executive level and have the ability to make decisions on behalf of its organization. Upon joining the IPAC, an initial two-year active participation commitment is desired for continuity. Members are expected to travel at least two times per year for meetings, usually held in conjunction with the IADLEST Conference and one of the IADLEST business meetings. At one of these meetings, the IPAC will meet with the IADLEST Executive Committee. Members are expected to attend or be represented at all IPAC meetings.


IPAC membership is currently capped at 15 members.  Multiple persons from a Partner organization may participate on the IPAC, but each organization is restricted to one vote. Members are expected to meet all due dates for obligations and deliverables, as established by the IPAC.


IPAC members must be Corporate members of IADLEST in good standing. Realizing that most IPAC members may also be vendors, no discussion of proprietary information or intellectual property will occur, unless it is offered by the vendor who possesses it.


Why Law Enforcement Needs a Science-Based Approach to Training


The IPAC Partners have collaborated on a report highlighting the importance of establishing science-based standards for education and training.


You can read this report now:   Digital Guide to the Research and Methods to Use





Joining the IPAC:

Any organization that currently supports IADLEST and is a current Corporate member of IADLEST may request to join the IPAC. Such requests shall be made in writing to the IADLEST Executive Director and should identify the name and title of the individual who will be representing the organization on the IPAC. All requests for membership shall be approved by the IADLEST Executive Committee.


For additional information contact:


Mike Becar, Executive Director

Email: mikebecar@iadlest.org

Phone: (208) 288-5491