PROVIDING NO-COST SOLUTIONS for Law Enforcement, Instructors, Training Academy Directors, and POST Directors.
Through CRI-TAC, IADLEST, in partnership with the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office), the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) and eight additional extraordinary law enforcement organizations is providing tailored, critical technical assistance to state, local, campus, and tribal law enforcement agencies.
Are you in need of no-cost technical assistance with:
- Developing your instructors for effective curriculum delivery?
- Updating your curricula to ensure that it is science based, and uses effective adult-learning and teaching tactics?
- Developing curricula and/or delivering training on such topics as: de-escalation, community engagement, officer safety and wellness, crisis intervention, or on any topic of your choosing? The topics are endless.
We are standing by to assist you.
Learn more about the no-cost CRI-TAC services in this 2-minute CRI-TAC Promotional Video
“IADLEST’s goal is to foster professionalism in public safety through the establishment of high standards and quality training. CRI-TAC provides us with an opportunity to have an impact on a broader segment of the profession.” — Mike Becar, Executive Director, IADLEST
For more information or to request training and/or technical assistance, visit the CRI*TAC Technical Assistance Center located here:
CRI*TAC Technical Assistance Center
If you have any questions, please reach out to Mark Strickland at markstrickland@iadlest.org, who will discuss CRI-TAC services with you.

Additional CRI-TAC Resources:
COVID 19: CRI-TAC is rapidly responding to the needs of the field. Since the launch of the COVID-19 Library of Resources, we have uploaded more than 110 resources to the searchable directory. This library of agency policies, standard operating procedures, fact sheets, press releases, special orders, and other COVID-19–related materials allows law enforcement to share important guidance with one another on issues such as risk mitigation, communication, and officer safety.
Second Annual Report on the Progress of CRI-TAC: On June 18, 2020, the Department of Justice’s Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office) released a new report, “Law Enforcement Solutions By the Field, For the Field: Collaborative Reform Second Annual Review,” that highlights the progress made since the release of the first annual report of the Collaborative Reform Initiative Technical Assistance Center (CRI-TAC).
The report on CRI-TAC’s second year demonstrates how the center has supported law enforcement agencies in their efforts to ensure public safety in their communities. The report presents performance metrics, case studies, and testimonials on the efficient and responsible delivery of “by the field, for the field” assistance to law enforcement agencies.
In just two years, CRI-TAC has fielded over 300 requests from agencies that are seeking proactive assistance in areas such as de-escalation, community engagement, school safety, active shooter situations, and officer wellness. Agencies participating in CRI-TAC boast a combined force size of more than 125,000 officers serving communities throughout the United States.
Third Annual Report on the Progress of CRI-TAC: On June 1, 2021 The Department of Justice's Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office) released its third report on the progress of the program.
In its first three years, the center fielded more than 450 requests for assistance from campus, local, county, and state agencies on critical issues like community engagement; active shooter response; de-escalation; crime analysis; mass demonstrations; school safety; and recruitment, hiring, and retention.
You may read the full report here: Law Enforcement Solutions By the Field, For the Field: Collaborative Reform Third Annual Review
“The COPS Office is proud to partner with IADLEST and nine partner organizations to support the needs of law enforcement and improve public safety across the country. IADLEST brings unique expertise in training delivery and standards across a broad array of topics including crime analysis.” — Phil Keith, Director, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services
The CRI-TAC provides results-oriented technical assistance and includes partners from the following organizations: